
Kübler Truninger Dentists Zurich

Stadelhoferstrasse 42
CH-8001 Zürich
Telefon: +41 43 244 80 40
Telefax: +41 43 244 80 44

Bleaching for radiant white teeth

Your wish for brighter teeth can be met with tooth whitening, also called bleaching, using various methods tailored to your needs.

How does tooth discolouration occur?

Superficial tooth discolouration occurs when staining substances (such as coffee, tea, red wine or tobacco products) are deposited on the tooth.
These can be gently removed by a thorough cleaning by our dental hygienists.

Teeth can also become discoloured from the inside. This can be caused by certain medications, caries, the death of pulp tissue, chronic overloading of the teeth or the natural ageing process of the teeth.
To whiten these deeper discolourations, it is usually necessary to use special bleaching agents to give the teeth back their natural whiteness.

Depending on the individual situation, we use various methods to whiten teeth:

At-Home Bleaching

If slight discoloration remains after tooth cleaning or if you already have sensitive teeth, at-home bleaching is the gentlest solution for whitening your teeth. 

You can do this yourself at home after receiving specific instructions. For this purpose, a plastic tray made individually for you is filled with the bleaching agent and worn for a few hours every day. After a few days, the desired result is achieved.

In-Office Bleaching / Power Bleaching

If the discoloration of your teeth is more severe, we can help you achieve the desired brightness with in-office or power bleaching.
After the teeth are cleaned, the gums are covered and thus protected. The bleaching agent, a hydrogen peroxide gel, is then applied to the teeth and intensified by the effect of plasma light. The teeth are whitened as a whole. This treatment is about 90 minutes long and the effect lasts for 2 years or more.

Discoloration of individual teeth

One of your teeth disturbs your bright smile because the brightness is not right? Especially with devitalized, i.e. dead and root-treated teeth, this is often the case.
Our aesthetically skilled dentists who specialize in root canal treatment can solve this problem. In this case, the tooth is lightened from the inside by means of inlays until the desired aesthetic result is achieved.
Healthy and bright white teeth

Today it is scientifically proven that teeth are not damaged when bleaching is applied in a controlled way.
However, the prerequisite for each of these different bleaching methods is that the teeth and gums are healthy. Therefore, you will be advised and accompanied by our dental hygiene and dentist team before and during the treatment.
In this way, together we will find the most suitable solution for you and prevent your teeth and gums from being damaged due to possible application errors. In this way you will get gently white teeth in a short time.

Our team will give you the support you need so that your teeth shine as white as you want them to.


Do you have anymore questions? We are happy to help.

Our location in a central location in the heart of Zurich, with public transport and public parking in the immediate vicinity, makes it easier for you to reach us.

Kübler Truninger
Zahnärzte Zürich

Stadelhoferstrasse 42
CH-8001 Zürich
Telefon:    +41 43 244 80 40 

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 07.00h to 19.00h
Saturday by arrangement