
Kübler Truninger Dentists Zurich

Stadelhoferstrasse 42
CH-8001 Zürich
Telefon: +41 43 244 80 40
Telefax: +41 43 244 80 44

Our treatments tailored to your needs

The ultimate goal of our treatments is to offer you treatment at fair prices and according to your budget.
Due to our extensive and long-standing experience, we can show you different treatment alternatives for every situation - from simple to complex therapies.
The price differences of the various treatments are determined by the choice of materials as well as the complexity of the treatment.

How are the costs of dental treatment calculated?

The tax point value: This is defined by the Swiss Dental Association and ranges between 1.0 and 1.70. We use a TP value of 1.0 for our dental hygiene treatments and a TP value between 1.0 and 1.20 for dental treatments.

The number of tax points: Each treatment has a defined range of points of the number of taxpoints available. Depending on the amount of work involved, more or fewer service points are charged.

The final amount: The costs result from the multiplication of the number of tax points with the selected tax point value.

If you wish, we can also offer you payment by instalments.

Are missed sessions charged?

No costs will be charged if the notification regarding an appointment to be cancelled or postponed is demonstrably received by us by e-mail or telephone at least 24 hours before the agreed appointment. Otherwise, missed appointments must be charged in accordance with the SSO.

We will be happy to advise you on the best possible treatment option or solution for you.


Do you have anymore questions? We are happy to help.

Our location in a central location in the heart of Zurich, with public transport and public parking in the immediate vicinity, makes it easier for you to reach us.

Kübler Truninger
Zahnärzte Zürich

Stadelhoferstrasse 42
CH-8001 Zürich
Telefon:    +41 43 244 80 40 

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday, 07.00h to 19.00h
Saturday by arrangement